I think foul play is afoot on Newgrounds, for months I have been seeing negative activity from these people, such as stealing awards, hacking accounts, and HECK knows what else! But now the daily features for yesterday where sabotaged by these infamous packs of malicious cyber terrorists known as, the DuckDivision. How could this happen? Though the award roster for yesterday has been edited, the submissions currently in place do not have any awards on them, the legit awards have somehow been stolen or hacked even though the flashes they used are gone (which happened to be malicious swfs). With further research into this subject I have found out that they are a group of irl neo-nazi flash artists, and they are child pornography distributing pedophiles (noted from this source). People like these cannot continue exploiting the website, we must make sure they cannot do anything like this ever again, find out exactly WHAT they are doing and cut them off. Someone needs to discover their secret hacker forum and blow it off the map. This is has already grown into the biggest threat of Newgrounds in it's history, we cannot let this escalate.
so they hack, they spam, and they use porn in shit thats already sick. jeez what has this become to
cyber hell if nothing is done...